AetherlangLib: IO

Input&Output system. Simply interacts with the console.

print arg1...argN @-> void
@ where arg1...argN: any
@ prints arguments into console.

println arg1...argN @-> void
@ where arg1...argN: any
@ prints arguments and then "\n" into console.

input caption @-> string
@ where caption: any
@ prints caption, then reads a line from console. returns it as a string of characters.

intinput caption @-> number
@ where caption: any
@ prints caption, then reads a line from console. returns it as an integer number.

floatinput caption @-> number
@ where caption: any
@ prints caption, then reads a line from console. returns it as a real number.

autoinput caption @-> number or string
@ where caption: any
@ prints caption, then reads a line from console. returns it as a number if possible. otherwise returns string.